My first experience traveling solo

Hello guys,
I am going to share my very first experience traveling solo. Yes, alone! I have to write it as my own record of my life in case I forget everything about it. I went to Bali, Indonesia. Well, I am quite shy to share this story and let people know about it because it reveal how stupid I was! So, don't be like me OK? You guys can do better than me since you are the new generation with all the social media and give you tons of information online.
It was a very long time ago, I guess in early year of 2008? So, that's mean it was 8 years ago! Wow..
I know it was stupid and hilarious adventure I ever had. I had ZERO knowledge on traveling solo. No preparation and no clue about everything.
Usually,I travel with my friends and I don't care or worry about hotel and flight booking. All the booking and itenary were planned by them.
I booked my flight ticket with travel agent somewhere in Singapore.
You know, during that time, it was a pre-smartphone era. It's not like today, you can find unlimited information on flight, hotel and package just using smartphone everywhere and anytime you want.
I used laptop but it was quite inconvenient   to use.
See, how lucky today's generation growing up with  smartphone. I can't help it, but I envy them. They have easy access to the internet 24/7.
I booked my hotel room very last minute at the airport. Thanks to Changi Airport Singapore provides free use of PC and Internet. Crazy right? I cannot imagine myself for taking that risk. What happened if the airport has no computer and access to the Internet? Gosh..
I remembered that I booked my hotel room via AsiaRoom website.
Direct flight from Singapore to Denpasar(Bali) with Jetsar airline took roughly 2 hours and 45 minutes I guess? Correct me if I'm wrong! Arrived quite late in the afternoon.
Jetstar Singapore (Budget airline)

There was something bad and unexpected incident happened to me at the immigration, which I do not want to share here.

After immigration and custom clearance done, I took taxi to my hotel which I booked earlier at the taxi counter.

I stayed at All Season Hotel Legian. I vividly remember that the hotel was so beautiful and colorful. Suitable for fabulous people and the color of the hotel same as rainbow flag. Hahaha
Legian Beach located just a five-minute walk from the hotel.

My first day of traveling solo, I don't want to go shopping and explore what's around me. Unlike typical traveler, they will explore nice places around them and take pictures as many as they can, but me? First day in Bali, I went to the beach less than 10 minutes and walked back to the hotel. Hahaha that was so weird of me. I was so scared of everything, over thinking, and felt uncomfortable when I see so many people around me. My thought be like ' what if I get robbed  and killed in foreign land and my parents don't know about it? At this point I was so regret to go traveling alone despite being warned by my mom not to travel alone in Indonesia because of the safety issue. 

Second day in Bali, I tried to be brave and go to the beach again. I have too! I was so happy though for being able to travel alone. OK...time for the review!
People always say Bali Bali Bali has nice beach? Hmmm
I was at Legian Beach, quite busy Beach and not a pleasant experience for me. Locals trying so hard to sell their stuff such as watches, foods, accessories and many more. Some will offer services like massage and temporary tattoos. I got my temporary tattoo done by one of them who actually refused to go until I agree to get the tattoo. How annoying was that?

Well guys, I spent most of the time in the hotel room and bar. I didn't even go to the hotel swimming pool because I was too shy to join other hotel's guests... Oh my God. What was wrong with me at that time? I should take every opportunity I had! 

I just want to go home as soon as possible. Usually, when travel with friends, I always wanted to stay back and don't even want to go home. 

So, how about you guys? I hope none of you have same experience as mine. 
Traveling solo need someone to be brave, not a shy person like me, tough and alert.
Get ready with some knowledge or information on a place you want to go before going.

That's all for now..and thank you for reading my stupidity experience though..




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