Queenstown and AJ Hackett Bungy Jump


OMG...I really want to complete my blog about New Zealand as soon as possible. So, I can blog about other thing.

After Te Anau, Milford Sound and Mirror Lake, our next destination was Queenstown. The place we've been waiting for so long.

We checked out from Holiday Park Backpacker Hostel before  10.00 AM.

Natsumi joined the glowing worm cave tour without informing 3 of us. We've been waiting and searching for her for hours.She didn't even bring her cellphone, that's why we couldn't reach her.

While waiting for her, we walked around town area and had our breakfast at the nearest cafe.
When she appeared in front of our car, she didn't even say sorry.

Almost 12 Noon, we continued our our journey to QUEENSTOWN...

I'm not sure how long we drive from Te Anau to Queenstown but I think it was quite far though! About 3 or 4 hours drive and finally, we reached at  Queenstown.

Gosh! why is it so hard to find a place to stay? We went to I-site to find a place to stay.

According to the I-site staff, there was the only ONE place available that time....BASE BACKPACKER, but we kind of hate it because Base Hostel always noisy and full of youngsters. We wanted more privacy and a room with 4 beds, just for 4 of us.

The I site staff told us to choose whether we want NZD35 OR NZD350?...she was like so angry because we took so long to decide.....Yoko was a victim!, We walked out from I site and decided to look for other place by our own.

Unfortunately, we couldn't find one and we had no choice but to stay at BASE BACKPACKER QUEENSTOWN.  We need to share with another 4 people in the room and paid NZD35 per night.

The  next day, we check-out from Base and went to Kuwarau  for Bungy Jump....wait!!! before that, I need to tell you guys something . We were given a warning by a police because we parked our car at the wrong place. LOL  illegal parking! Luckily, we never get fined.

Yaaaaaa.....the moment I've been waiting for so long.....I need to do something like this in my life....thanks to my friend Ai for giving me a support and courage to do bungy jump.

What if I die during bungy jump? all this actually, came across my mind.

There were many people jump on that day....and you cannot just jump like that..there are some procedure you need to follow.

First of all, you have to register and check your weight....well, no use to think about it because' I  already paid for it on  the day before......I kept reminding myself ' JUST DO IT'

OMG....only God knows how I felt that time. Ai Nakamura and I decided to jump together. Honestly, I  wasn't ready to jump. I felt so cold and freezing.  I forced myself to jump when the bungee operator shouted at me..JUMP!!!!!!

I was screaming like crazy.WOW......I never thought that I would do this extreme activity and proud of myself though......it was so FUN.
After we got our picture and video, we straight away drive to Dunedin.
We reached at  Dunedin around 3.00 PM.....and stayed at Backpacker hostel, somewhere near town area.....

At night, Ai Nakamura and I  went to town for New Year countdown party....only 2 of us and shinji joined us after midnight.

here are some photos taken at queenstown and AJ Hackett Bungy Jump moment.....

 this is the place where we stayed for a night..BASE BACKPACKER....NZD35 per night

hmmm..i wasn't ready to dance coz i wasn't drunk enough..huhu..

love that pose Ai.....

 awww..my sexy bitch.....

 look at her...drunk!!!!!!!

 2nd registration....

 i was 62kg......omfg....shocked!!!!! from 45kg to 62kg!!!!!

 looking at the camera.....i can't even smile...hehehe



look at me.....hahahaha

 my personal assistant......pretty right???hahaha

camwhoring in the car.....huhu

gosh.....wtf....natsumi very clever ...she only took the pictures with ugly side of me!!!!!!!awwwwwww

gonna update next blog about Dunedin soon ....


rico xoxo


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