Reasons for being lazy to update my blog

Hello my fabulous readers....

let me tell you all, why am I so lazy and unmotivated to update this blog...

1. I don't have a good camera to take picture. This is one of the main reason. I believe as a blogger, you need to have a good camera to make a great picture and readers are more interested to read your blog. If i had a smart phone with good camera, that would be perfect for me.Unfortunately, i have lost my Samsung note 2 and Samsung S3. So disappointed with myself for being careless.

2. I've been busy with work. I think for almost 2 years since I moved to KL, Malaysia.
Honestly, i don't really get used to work in Malaysia after working so many years in Singapore. Anyway I have to adapt myself to 'Malaysian style'.

3. Seriously, I don't know what topic I should write on my blog. I started blogging about travel, but since I moved to KL, I don't even have a chance to travel. Money is always an issue here..always broke!!!

4. I became FAT. How I became fat? I have no idea. I only realized I've gained weight when i did my bungee jumping few years back. My friends started to comment on my pictures that I've gained weight. This is one of the reason why I have lost interest on taking picture.

5.Low traffic volume. Yes, that's really tough to get readers to read your blog. I've been blogging since 2010 and I've never had a high traffic sad.

First time when i started my blog, I just want to be famous just like any other blogger. **dreaming mode**
As I grow older, I realized it was just a dream. Now, I just want to keep writing and make it as a habit. At the same time I really want to improve my writing skill.

If  you read my previous post, my writing skill is not up to standard and I use lot of 'singlish'. According to Wikipedia , Singlish is colloquial Singaporean English is an English-based creole language spoken in Singapore.

Last but not least, I will blog in Malay Language as well because I can speak and talk in Malay language fluently. Trust me....It is a beautiful language. I hope I can be a novel writer. Make  sure you buy my book!!! will you?

That's all for now.....



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