Blehneim and Kaikoura (South Island New Zealand)

hello guys......

how you guys doing? It's 2nd day of Chinese New Year and I'm not working. So, I continue to update my postponed blog again....try to finish it up ok.....

25th December 2009....

I woke up early morning and felt so fresh. We had our coffee  before leaving 'The Custom House'( our backpacker hostel)....
We've got lot of things to bring. No more space in our car and Yoko decided to leave her empty luggage at 'The Custom House. Well, just give it to those who need it. Wow! so good of you Yoko.If i were you, I will just throw it away...LoL...look, that's my evil side of me! Selfish. I will not let anyone use my stuff, I'd ratter throw it away.

We proceed to Blehneim I-Site centre to pick up a Japanese guy who wants to join us exploring South Island of NZ.
We were talking and guessing about the guy. Yoko kept asking if he is a good looking guy, while I hope that the guy is friendly, can drink and open-minded......crazy huh....
Finally.....we reached Blenheim and he was waiting for us. He came earlier than us.

Thank God....He is a smoker and drinker...that's mean he can click with me......LOL
So, we don't have to worry about lighting up our cigarette in the car and continue smoking in the car.

He also can drive.So,  good news for Ai Nakamura and Yoko. He can take turn to drive if Ai and Yoko feel tired or sleepy.
On our way to the city centre of Kaikoura, We stopped our car somewhere, which I don't know where and  there was no signboard. There were so many seals and I took the opportunity to take pictures and take a rest for a while.
Be careful, seals are wild animal....don't go so near.
Shinji take turn to drive our car to city centre of Kaikoura. We reached there and most of the places were closed and quiet.
Four of us stayed at Willowbank Motel. Not bad, good motel with 2 rooms. Shinji and I share a room.
After check-in process completed, we just left our stuff and went to Peninsular Seal Colony and beach near the town area.

As usual.....I took lot of photos......snap snap snap......enjoy the photos.

 this is the place...we stop our car somewhere around here to see seal......

 omg...yoko...are u one of the seal?? i was so busy taking pic of the seal and u came and ask me to take ur

 sexy pose.....seal also know how to pose ok....

pictures above were taken somewhere in Kaikoura but I don't know the place name.

Woooooo.....wait...I still have something to say. It was my first experience, I had my Christmas day in foreign country without alcohol.
ALL shops, Yes ALL, they don't sell alcohol! They are not allowed to sell alcohol on Christmas Day....
What a sad thing on Christmas Day without alcohol? hahahha

Well.....I love Kaikoara and had a chance to see a real seal and one thing I will never forget, I was chased by seal when I tried to take picture of their baby! LOL ....very aggressive animal.

photos again.....enjoy my photos

 nice.....whose house is that??? hmmmm...

 Shinji and I stayed in this room.....

 fantastic four...let's see who is the winner???

 Shinji is busy checking on my wine

 Ai and yoko stayed in this room...

 it was closed....

 nice view right?

 nice....i love it!!!!!


 rico rico...just wanna write my name on it for fun......

 yeah.....I am in New Zealand!

 busy writing your own name?


 shhhh....sleeping beauty.....

 yeah...diva in kaikoura.....

 of course we love New Zealand....I wish I could stay there forever.....wanna find someone to marry me and become Kiwi....

 lol...i still got this slipper....till now..

 is this your new fashion for christmas Yoko???

 seaweed....good for your skin...hahaha

 try to take photo of sunset in Kaikoura but i missed it!!!

 this is the place where we stayed for 1 night.....

 hmmmmm....funny or what???  lol
having your green tea????

 no space for my stuff already.....ishhhhh

 helppppp!!!!!! where am i suppose to put my stuff????

 as usual...camwhoring.

look at our car....full with all the things around me.

that's all for today....hope you guys enjoy this post.....see ya....




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