
Showing posts with the label Kaikora New Zealand

Blehneim and Kaikoura (South Island New Zealand)

hello guys...... how you guys doing? It's 2nd day of Chinese New Year and I'm not working. So, I continue to update my postponed blog again....try to finish it up ok..... 25th December 2009.... I woke up early morning and felt so fresh. We had our coffee  before leaving 'The Custom House'( our backpacker hostel).... We've got lot of things to bring. No more space in our car and Yoko decided to leave her empty luggage at 'The Custom House. Well, just give it to those who need it. Wow! so good of you Yoko.If i were you, I will just throw it away...LoL...look, that's my evil side of me! Selfish. I will not let anyone use my stuff, I'd ratter throw it away. We proceed to Blehneim I-Site centre to pick up a Japanese guy who wants to join us exploring South Island of NZ. We were talking and guessing about the guy. Yoko kept asking if he is a good looking guy, while I hope that the guy is friendly, can drink and open-minded......crazy huh.... Finall...