My first experience traveling solo
Hello guys, I am going to share my very first experience traveling solo. Yes, alone! I have to write it as my own record of my life in case I forget everything about it. I went to Bali, Indonesia. Well, I am quite shy to share this story and let people know about it because it reveal how stupid I was! So, don't be like me OK? You guys can do better than me since you are the new generation with all the social media and give you tons of information online. It was a very long time ago, I guess in early year of 2008? So, that's mean it was 8 years ago! Wow.. I know it was stupid and hilarious adventure I ever had. I had ZERO knowledge on traveling solo. No preparation and no clue about everything. Usually,I travel with my friends and I don't care or worry about hotel and flight booking. All the booking and itenary were planned by them. I booked my flight ticket with travel agent somewhere in Singapore. You know, during that time, it was a pre-smartphone era. It's ...